I have been specialist orthodontist for over 30 years and have noticed a significant increase in the number of young adults seeking orthodontic treatment in recent years. Here are some of the reasons why 20 somethings are seeking orthodontic treatment
1. “I didn’t wear my retainers”
Many of us had orthodontic treatment in our teenage years. At the end of the treatment, all orthodontic patients need to wear retainers. Retainers are essential in keeping those beautiful teeth straight in perfect alignment. Some patients need to wear their retainers longer than others for a variety of reasons. Some of the patients who did not wear their retainers long enough often see a progressive shifting of their teeth over time. To the point where they need to have orthodontic treatment again. These days fixed retainers are popular and minimize the risk of teeth moving after braces have been removed.
2. “My parents couldn’t afford orthodontic treatment”
In the past, some teenagers could not have orthodontic treatment because the parents did not see the value in orthodontic treatment or just could not afford it. Some of these teenagers later pay for their own treatment when they join the workforce and are earning their own money. These days orthodontics is much more after affordable than in the past. The increases in treatment cost have not kept up with the rate of inflation over the past 20 years. Also, most orthodontic providers offer payment plans over 12 to 24 months.
3. “ I didn’t want braces in my teenage years“
Let’s face it, some of us were rebellious in our teenage years. Some of us even rejected the idea of orthodontic treatment as teens even though braces were really needed and our parents were prepared to pay for it. Here at Gullotta Orthodontics, we see a lot of these “rebels” who reconsider having treatment when they are older.
4. “ I love the idea of clear braces or Invisalign “
Braces technology has come a long way in the past 10 years. Metal brackets have become much smaller and much less conspicuous than the older chunky metal braces that were available years ago. Even less noticeable are the clear, ceramic brackets that are now available and quite popular.
The alternative to fixed braces are clear, removable aligners which are removable. The most well known of these aligners systems Is Invisalign. Invisalign is very popular with the 20 somethings as they are barely noticeable and can be removed by the patient for cleaning their teeth and eating – which is a huge plus over fixed metal or clear braces.
5. “ My smile is holding me back “
For some 20 somethings “ being the best I can be “ may involve improving their appearance by having braces or Invisalign treatment.
Studies suggest that having an awesome smile with beautiful straight teeth can improve one’s prospects in social life and careers stakes. Yes, unfortunately, many of us still judge others based on appearance. Singles looking for partners are first drawn by physical attractiveness. Employers are also influenced by appearance when they first meet a prospective employee. In a competitive job market, a great smile could give you the edge.
For many orthodontic patients, there is also a huge boost in self-esteem and confidence once their unattractive smiles are corrected. This also boosts their chances with potential employers and partners.
Find out more
To find out more either
- find out more about Gullotta Orthodontics, (orthodontists on the Gold Coast), or
- send us a message, or
- call us on 07 55323433
Nino Gullotta BDSc (Qld), MDSc (Melb)
This year Dr Gullotta celebrates 33 years in specialist orthodontic practice on the beautiful Gold Coast in Queensland. He is still adopting the latest advances in orthodontic technology and is still creating awesome smiles!