True or False? A Fun Orthodontic Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

True or False? A Fun Orthodontic Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

True or False? A Fun Orthodontic Quiz to Test Your Knowledge 750 450 Dr Nino Gullotta

Like a little brain teaser?

What you know (or think you know) can make a difference when you’re making a decision about braces. Misconceptions about braces or dentistry can affect your health.

Try our quiz, to test your knowledge of orthodontics.

Some People are Born with Straight Teeth

False: While it’s true that people vary when it comes to their teeth, no one is born with perfectly straight teeth.

Even if you are born with reasonably straight teeth, you could still have an overbite or underbite. And an orthodontist can correct that.

Braces Are Just for Kids

False: While it’s ideal to have braces to correct your bite or straighten your teeth at a young age, it’s not mandatory.

Many Australian orthodontists report that 25 to 30 percent of their patients are adults. Some are even going back for braces a second time after having them as a child.

Orthodontics Are A Modern Invention

False: There is evidence of braces in ancient Egypt. Archeologists have found mummies with metal bands and braces that are roughly similar to what we use.

True orthodontics began in the 18th and 19th centuries. In 1728 a French dentist by the name of Pierre Fauchard used a metal device to expand the arch of his patients.

Braces Are Unaffordable

False: Braces do have a cost. Luckily, most orthodontists offer payment plans and some costs may be covered by insurance.

You can also save up ahead of time. In fact, forgoing braces may mean much more expensive dental work in later years because the straighter your teeth, the easier they are to clean.

A girl showing the model of braces


DIY Braces Work

False: Some of the DIY methods going around might straighten teeth. However, they won’t correct an overbite or underbite.

What’s more, you run the risk of damaging your teeth and gums.

I Don’t Need a Retainer

False: When your braces come off, your teeth are in alignment with your mouth.

However, it takes time for them to stabilise and they will start to shift again once they speciality in position by braces. You need to wear a retainer for an absolute minimum of one year or as long as your orthodontist recommends.

Braces Are Just for Appearances’ Sake

False: Of all the items on this list, this one may be the most important misconception.

Braces improve the health of your teeth and jaw. Orthodontists decrease the risk of tooth decay, receding gums, uneven wear and jaw pain.

If you or your child need braces, you should find a qualified orthodontist – it’s a dental specialty. Please contact us for an appointment and assessment.

Don’t let misconceptions stop you from improving your oral health and appearance.