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Orthodontic treatment and changes to your facial shape 580 330 Dr Nino Gullotta

Orthodontic treatment and changes to your facial shape

Dr Gullotta doesn’t just focus on making teeth straight, treating overcrowding issues, and fixing bad bites.  He believes in the importance of managing and enhancing a person’s facial appearance and…

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Four Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Sugar 750 450 Dr Nino Gullotta

Four Things You Probably Didn’t Know about Sugar

You’ve probably seen them. All the anti-sugar campaigns and cook books springing up. It’s a trend, isn’t it? But is there anything substantial behind the trend? With Easter rapidly approaching…

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6 Foods to Avoid When You’re Wearing Braces 750 450 Dr Nino Gullotta

6 Foods to Avoid When You’re Wearing Braces

When you have braces, certain foods can cause problems. Although traditional braces are made from metal, the brackets are thin and the wires are fine. Neither holds up well to…

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True or False? A Fun Orthodontic Quiz to Test Your Knowledge 750 450 Dr Nino Gullotta

True or False? A Fun Orthodontic Quiz to Test Your Knowledge

Like a little brain teaser? What you know (or think you know) can make a difference when you’re making a decision about braces. Misconceptions about braces or dentistry can affect…

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